Uses of Class

Uses of Player in <Unnamed>

Methods in <Unnamed> that return Player
Modifier and Type Method and Description
 Player BaseVehicle.getPassenger()
          Returns the passenger.
 Player BaseEntity.getPlayer()
          Returns the player for this entity
 Player fy.getPlayer()
          Returns the player
 Player lp.getPlayer()
 Player PlayerInventory.getPlayer()
          Returns the owner of this PlayerInventory
abstract  Player DataSource.getPlayer(java.lang.String name)
          Returns specified user
 Player FlatFileSource.getPlayer(java.lang.String name)
 Player MySQLSource.getPlayer(java.lang.String name)
 Player Server.getPlayer(java.lang.String name)
          Returns specified player
 Player Server.matchPlayer(java.lang.String name)
          Tries to match a character's name.

Methods in <Unnamed> that return types with arguments of type Player
Modifier and Type Method and Description
 java.util.List<Player> Server.getPlayerList()
          Returns the player list.

Methods in <Unnamed> with parameters of type Player
Modifier and Type Method and Description
abstract  void DataSource.addPlayer(Player player)
          Adds user to the list
 void FlatFileSource.addPlayer(Player player)
 void MySQLSource.addPlayer(Player player)
 void BanSystem.fileBan(Player player)
          Files a regular name-only ban.
 void BanSystem.fileIpBan(Player player)
          Files an IP address ban
 void BanSystem.fileTempBan(Player player, int minutes, int hours, int days)
          Files a temporary ban (both name and IP bans)
 java.lang.String DataSource.getKitNames(Player player)
          Returns a list of all kits names separated by commas
 java.lang.String DataSource.getWarpNames(Player player)
          Returns a string containing all warp names the player has access to
 boolean Player.hasControlOver(Player player)
          Returns true if this player has control over the other player
abstract  void DataSource.modifyPlayer(Player player)
          Modifies the provided user
 void FlatFileSource.modifyPlayer(Player player)
 void MySQLSource.modifyPlayer(Player player)
 void PluginListener.onArmSwing(Player player)
          Called when a player swings their arm, aka left clicks (even if no block is in front of them)
 void PluginListener.onBan(Player mod, Player player, java.lang.String reason)
          Called when a player is banned
 boolean PluginListener.onBlockBreak(Player player, Block block)
          Called when a person actually breaks the block.
 boolean PluginListener.onBlockCreate(Player player, Block blockPlaced, Block blockClicked, int itemInHand)
          Deprecated. use onBlockRightClick to get the information
 boolean PluginListener.onBlockDestroy(Player player, Block block)
          Called when a person left clicks a block.
 boolean PluginListener.onBlockPlace(Player player, Block blockPlaced, Block blockClicked, Item itemInHand)
          Called when someone places a block.
 void PluginListener.onBlockRightClicked(Player player, Block blockClicked, Item item)
          Called when someone presses right click aimed at a block.
 boolean PluginListener.onChat(Player player, java.lang.String message)
          Called when a player talks.
 boolean PluginListener.onCommand(Player player, java.lang.String[] split)
          Called before the command is parsed.
 void PluginListener.onDisconnect(Player player)
          Called on player disconnect
 boolean PluginListener.onHealthChange(Player player, int oldValue, int newValue)
          Called when a players health changes.
 boolean PluginListener.onIgnite(Block block, Player player)
          Called when either a lava block or a lighter tryes to light something on fire.
 boolean PluginListener.onInventoryCursorSwap(Player player, Inventory inventory, java.lang.Integer slot, Item oldItemInSlot, Item newItemInSlot)
          Called when a slot's contents are swapped with the contents of the cursor.
 boolean PluginListener.onInventoryPlaceItem(Player player, Inventory inventory, Item placedItem, java.lang.Integer slot)
          Called when the player places an inventory item, or adds amount to an existing inventory slot.
 boolean PluginListener.onInventoryTakeItem(Player player, Inventory inventory, Item takenItem, java.lang.Integer slot)
          Called when the player takes an inventory item, whether they selected half or the whole slot.
 void PluginListener.onIpBan(Player mod, Player player, java.lang.String reason)
          Called when a player is IP banned
 boolean PluginListener.onItemDrop(Player player, Item item)
          Called when a player drops an item.
 boolean PluginListener.onItemPickUp(Player player, Item item)
          Called when a player picks up an item.
 boolean PluginListener.onItemUse(Player player, Block blockPlaced, Block blockClicked, Item item)
          Called when a player uses an item (rightclick with item in hand)
 void PluginListener.onKick(Player mod, Player player, java.lang.String reason)
          Called when a player is kicked
 void PluginListener.onLogin(Player player)
          Called during the later login process
 boolean PluginListener.onOpenInventory(Player player, Inventory inventory)
          Called when a player attempts to open an inventory; whether it's a workbench, a chest or their own player inventory
 void PluginListener.onPlayerMove(Player player, Location from, Location to)
          Called when a player moves from one block to another
 boolean PluginListener.onSignChange(Player player, Sign sign)
          Called when a sign is changed by a player (Usually, when they first place it)
 void PluginListener.onSignShow(Player player, Sign sign)
          Called when a sign is shown to a player, most often when they come into range of a sign.
 boolean PluginListener.onTeleport(Player player, Location from, Location to)
          Called when a player teleports from one location to another
 void Server.useConsoleCommand(java.lang.String command, Player player)
          Uses the specified console command

Constructors in <Unnamed> with parameters of type Player
Constructor and Description
HitBlox(Player in_player)
          Constructor requiring player, uses default values
HitBlox(Player in_player, int in_range, double in_step)
          Constructor requiring player, max range, and a stepping value
PlayerInventory(Player player)