002    import java.io.PrintStream;
003    import java.util.ArrayList;
004    import java.util.Arrays;
005    import java.util.HashMap;
006    import java.util.List;
007    import java.util.Map;
008    import java.util.logging.Logger;
009    import net.minecraft.server.MinecraftServer;
011    public class lp extends gi
012            implements gd {
014        public static Logger a = Logger.getLogger("Minecraft");
015        public ca b;
016        public boolean c = false;
017        private MinecraftServer d;
018        private fy e;
019        private int f = 0;
020        private double g;
021        private double h;
022        private double i;
023        private boolean j = true;
024        private Map k = new HashMap();
026        public lp(MinecraftServer paramMinecraftServer, ca paramca, fy paramfy) {
027            d = paramMinecraftServer;
028            b = paramca;
029            paramca.a(this);
030            e = paramfy;
031            paramfy.a = this;
032        }
034        /**
035         * Returns the item in player's hand
036         *
037         * @return
038         */
039        public int getItemInHand() {
040            if (this.e.an.e() != null) {
041                return this.e.an.e().c;
042            }
043            return -1;
044        }
046        public Player getPlayer() {
047            return e.getPlayer();
048        }
050        /**
051         * Sends a message to the player
052         *
053         * @param msg
054         */
055        public void msg(String msg) {
056            b(new bz(msg));
057        }
059        public void a() {
060            b.a();
061            if (f++ % 20 == 0) {
062                b.a(new mt());
063            }
064        }
066        public void a(String paramString) {
067            b.a(new mf(paramString));
068            b.c();
069            d.f.a(new bz("\u00A7e" + e.aw + " left the game."));
070            d.f.c(e);
071            c = true;
072        }
074        public void a(iv paramiv) {
075            if (!j) {
076                double d1 = paramiv.b - h;
077                if ((paramiv.a == g) && (d1 * d1 < 0.01D) && (paramiv.c == i)) {
078                    j = true;
079                }
080            }
081            if (j) {
082                if (e.k != null) {
083                    float f1 = e.v;
084                    float f2 = e.w;
085                    e.k.E();
086                    double d3 = e.p;
087                    double d4 = e.q;
088                    double d5 = e.r;
089                    double d6 = 0.0D;
090                    double d7 = 0.0D;
091                    if (paramiv.i) {
092                        f1 = paramiv.e;
093                        f2 = paramiv.f;
094                    }
095                    if ((paramiv.h) && (paramiv.b == -999.0D) && (paramiv.d == -999.0D)) {
096                        d6 = paramiv.a;
097                        d7 = paramiv.c;
098                    }
100                    e.A = paramiv.g;
102                    e.n();
103                    e.c(d6, 0.0D, d7);
104                    e.b(d3, d4, d5, f1, f2);
105                    e.s = d6;
106                    e.u = d7;
107                    if (e.k != null) {
108                        d.e.b(e.k, true);
109                    }
110                    if (e.k != null) {
111                        e.k.E();
112                    }
113                    d.f.b(e);
114                    g = e.p;
115                    h = e.q;
116                    i = e.r;
117                    d.e.f(e);
119                    return;
120                }
122                double d2 = e.q;
123                g = e.p;
124                h = e.q;
125                i = e.r;
127                double d3 = e.p;
128                double d4 = e.q;
129                double d5 = e.r;
131                float f3 = e.v;
132                float f4 = e.w;
134                if ((paramiv.h) && (paramiv.b == -999.0D) && (paramiv.d == -999.0D)) {
135                    paramiv.h = false;
136                }
138                if (paramiv.h) {
139                    d3 = paramiv.a;
140                    d4 = paramiv.b;
141                    d5 = paramiv.c;
142                    double d7 = paramiv.d - paramiv.b;
143                    if ((d7 > 1.65D) || (d7 < 0.1D)) {
144                        a("Illegal stance");
145                        a.warning(e.aw + " had an illegal stance: " + d7);
146                    }
147                    e.al = paramiv.d;
148                }
149                if (paramiv.i) {
150                    f3 = paramiv.e;
151                    f4 = paramiv.f;
152                }
154                e.n();
155                e.R = 0.0F;
156                e.b(g, h, i, f3, f4);
158                double d7 = d3 - e.p;
159                double d8 = d4 - e.q;
160                double d9 = d5 - e.r;
162                float f5 = 0.0625F;
163                int m = d.e.a(e, e.z.b().e(f5, f5, f5)).size() == 0 ? 1 : 0;
165                e.c(d7, d8, d9);
166                d7 = d3 - e.p;
167                d8 = d4 - e.q;
168                if ((d8 > -0.5D) || (d8 < 0.5D)) {
169                    d8 = 0.0D;
170                }
171                d9 = d5 - e.r;
172                double d10 = d7 * d7 + d8 * d8 + d9 * d9;
173                int n = 0;
174                if (d10 > 0.0625D) {
175                    n = 1;
176                    a.warning(e.aw + " moved wrongly!");
177                    System.out.println("Got position " + d3 + ", " + d4 + ", " + d5);
178                    System.out.println("Expected " + e.p + ", " + e.q + ", " + e.r);
179                }
180                e.b(d3, d4, d5, f3, f4);
182                int i1 = d.e.a(e, e.z.b().e(f5, f5, f5)).size() == 0 ? 1 : 0;
183                if ((m != 0) && ((n != 0) || (i1 == 0))) {
184                    a(g, h, i, f3, f4);
185                    return;
186                }
188                e.A = paramiv.g;
189                d.f.b(e);
190                e.b(e.q - d2, paramiv.g);
191            }
192        }
194        public void a(double paramDouble1, double paramDouble2, double paramDouble3, float paramFloat1, float paramFloat2) {
195            j = false;
196            g = paramDouble1;
197            h = paramDouble2;
198            i = paramDouble3;
199            e.b(paramDouble1, paramDouble2, paramDouble3, paramFloat1, paramFloat2);
200            e.a.b(new fl(paramDouble1, paramDouble2 + 1.620000004768372D, paramDouble2, paramDouble3, paramFloat1, paramFloat2, false));
201        }
203        public void a(kf paramkf) {
204            if (paramkf.e == 4) {
205                e.O();
206                return;
207            }
208            boolean bool = d.e.B = d.f.g(e.aw);
209            int m = 0;
210            if (paramkf.e == 0) {
211                m = 1;
212            }
213            if (paramkf.e == 1) {
214                m = 1;
215            }
217            int n = paramkf.a;
218            int i1 = paramkf.b;
219            int i2 = paramkf.c;
220            if (m != 0) {
221                double d1 = e.p - (n + 0.5D);
222                double d2 = e.q - (i1 + 0.5D);
223                double d4 = e.r - (i2 + 0.5D);
224                double d6 = d1 * d1 + d2 * d2 + d4 * d4;
225                if (d6 > 36.0D) {
226                    return;
227                }
229                double d8 = e.q;
230                e.q = e.al;
232                e.q = d8;
233            }
235            int i3 = paramkf.d;
236            int i4 = (int) iz.e(n - d.e.m);
237            int i5 = (int) iz.e(i2 - d.e.o);
238            if (i4 > i5) {
239                i5 = i4;
240            }
241            if (paramkf.e == 0) {
242                if ((i5 > 16) || (bool)) {
243                    e.c.a(n, i1, i2);
244                }
245            } else if (paramkf.e == 2) {
246                e.c.a();
247            } else if (paramkf.e == 1) {
248                if ((i5 > 16) || (bool)) {
249                    e.c.a(n, i1, i2, i3);
250                }
251            } else if (paramkf.e == 3) {
252                double d3 = e.p - (n + 0.5D);
253                double d5 = e.q - (i1 + 0.5D);
254                double d7 = e.r - (i2 + 0.5D);
255                double d9 = d3 * d3 + d5 * d5 + d7 * d7;
256                if (d9 < 256.0D) {
257                    e.a.b(new gw(n, i1, i2, d.e));
258                }
259            }
260            d.e.B = false;
261        }
263        public void a(hp paramhp) {
264            jl localjl = e.an.e();
266            boolean bool = d.e.B = d.f.g(e.aw);
267            if (paramhp.d == 255) {
268                if (localjl == null) {
269                    return;
270                }
271                e.c.a(e, d.e, localjl);
272            } else {
273                int m = paramhp.a;
274                int n = paramhp.b;
275                int i1 = paramhp.c;
276                int i2 = paramhp.d;
277                int i3 = (int) iz.e(m - d.e.m);
278                int i4 = (int) iz.e(i1 - d.e.o);
279                if (i3 > i4) {
280                    i4 = i3;
281                }
282                if ((i4 > 16) || (bool)) {
283                    e.c.a(e, d.e, localjl, m, n, i1, i2);
284                }
286                e.a.b(new gw(m, n, i1, d.e));
288                if (i2 == 0) {
289                    n--;
290                }
291                if (i2 == 1) {
292                    n++;
293                }
294                if (i2 == 2) {
295                    i1--;
296                }
297                if (i2 == 3) {
298                    i1++;
299                }
300                if (i2 == 4) {
301                    m--;
302                }
303                if (i2 == 5) {
304                    m++;
305                }
307                e.a.b(new gw(m, n, i1, d.e));
308            }
309            if ((localjl != null) && (localjl.a == 0)) {
310                e.an.a[e.an.c] = null;
311            }
313            e.am = true;
314            e.an.a[e.an.c] = jl.b(e.an.a[e.an.c]);
315            hj localhj = e.ap.a(e.an, e.an.c);
316            e.ap.a();
317            e.am = false;
319            if (!jl.a(e.an.e(), paramhp.e)) {
320                b(new in(e.ap.f, localhj.c, e.an.e()));
321            }
323            d.e.B = false;
324        }
326        public void a(String paramString, Object[] paramArrayOfObject) {
327            a.info(e.aw + " lost connection: " + paramString);
328            d.f.a(new bz("\u00A7e" + e.aw + " left the game."));
329            d.f.c(e);
330            c = true;
331        }
333        public void a(kx paramkx) {
334            a.warning(getClass() + " wasn't prepared to deal with a " + paramkx.getClass());
335            a("Protocol error, unexpected packet");
336        }
338        public void b(kx paramkx) {
339            b.a(paramkx);
340        }
342        public void a(ik paramik) {
343            e.an.c = paramik.a;
344        }
346        public void a(bz parambz) {
347            String str = parambz.a;
348            // hMod: redirect chathandling to player class
349            getPlayer().chat(str);
350        }
352        public void a(z paramz) {
353            if (paramz.b == 1) {
354                e.K();
355            }
356        }
358        public void a(gv paramgv) {
359            System.out.println("handlePlayerCommand " + paramgv.a + " " + paramgv.b);
360            if (paramgv.b == 1) {
361                e.b(true);
362            } else if (paramgv.b == 2) {
363                e.b(false);
364            }
365        }
367        public void a(mf parammf) {
368            b.a("disconnect.quitting", new Object[0]);
369        }
371        public int b() {
372            return b.d();
373        }
375        public void b(String paramString) {
376            b(new bz("\u00A77" + paramString));
377        }
379        public String c() {
380            return e.aw;
381        }
383        public void a(a parama) {
384            fe localfe = d.e.a(parama.b);
386            if ((localfe != null) && (e.i(localfe))) {
387                if (parama.c == 0) {
388                    e.g(localfe);
389                } else if (parama.c == 1) {
390                    e.h(localfe);
391                }
392            }
393        }
395        public void a(bo parambo) {
396            if (e.aZ > 0) {
397                return;
398            }
400            e = d.f.d(e);
401        }
403        public void a(h paramh) {
404            e.N();
405        }
407        public void a(dc paramdc) {
408            if ((e.ap.f == paramdc.a) && (e.ap.c(e))) {
409                jl localjl = e.ap.a(paramdc.b, paramdc.c, e);
411                if (jl.a(paramdc.e, localjl)) {
412                    e.a.b(new bd(paramdc.a, paramdc.d, true));
413                    e.am = true;
414                    e.ap.a();
415                    e.M();
416                    e.am = false;
417                } else {
418                    k.put(Integer.valueOf(e.ap.f), Short.valueOf(paramdc.d));
419                    e.a.b(new bd(paramdc.a, paramdc.d, false));
420                    e.ap.a(e, false);
422                    ArrayList localArrayList = new ArrayList();
423                    for (int m = 0; m < e.ap.e.size(); m++) {
424                        localArrayList.add(((hj) e.ap.e.get(m)).c());
425                    }
426                    e.a(e.ap, localArrayList);
427                }
428            }
429        }
431        public void a(bd parambd) {
432            Short localShort = (Short) k.get(Integer.valueOf(e.ap.f));
433            if ((localShort != null) && (parambd.b == localShort.shortValue()) && (e.ap.f == parambd.a) && (!e.ap.c(e))) {
434                e.ap.a(e, true);
435            }
436        }
438        public void a(hh paramhh) {
439            if (d.e.f(paramhh.a, paramhh.b, paramhh.c)) {
440                bm localbm = d.e.m(paramhh.a, paramhh.b, paramhh.c);
441                int n, m;
442                int i1;
443                for (m = 0; m < 4; m++) {
444                    n = 1;
445                    // hMod: Remove the char limit, for plugins.
446                    //if (paramhh.d[m].length() > 15)
447                    //  n = 0;
448                    //else {
449                    for (i1 = 0; i1 < paramhh.d[m].length(); i1++) {
450                        if (gg.a.indexOf(paramhh.d[m].charAt(i1)) < 0) {
451                            n = 0;
452                        }
453                    }
454                    //}
455                    if (n == 0) {
456                        paramhh.d[m] = "!?";
457                    }
458                }
459                if ((localbm instanceof lv)) {
461                    m = paramhh.a;
462                    n = paramhh.b;
463                    i1 = paramhh.c;
464                    lv locallv = (lv) localbm;
465                    // hMod: Copy the old line text
466                    String[] old = Arrays.copyOf(locallv.e, locallv.e.length);
468                    for (int i2 = 0; i2 < 4; i2++) {
469                        locallv.e[i2] = paramhh.d[i2];
470                    }
472                    // hMod: Check if we can change it
473                    Sign sign = new Sign(locallv);
474                    if ((Boolean) etc.getLoader().callHook(PluginLoader.Hook.SIGN_CHANGE, getPlayer(), sign)) {
475                        locallv.e = Arrays.copyOf(old, old.length);
476                    }
477                    locallv.d();
478                    d.e.g(m, n, i1);
479                }
480            }
481        }
482    }